Saturday, June 26, 2010

So here we are...

Alright, so I decided to give in and start a blog of my own. I'm sure I'll get better at it as we go, but really I thought it would be nice to update all our family and friends that live far away with the new babe on the way!

Today is 26 weeks...and counting. Little Baumgartner is either: a. a ninja or b. a breakdancer. I'm going to make Kurtis let me invest in one of those music belly bands that you play for your baby in the womb. It's supposed to make them smarter or something, but I want to do it just to enjoy that special time with him. Some days I feel I've been pregnant FOREVER while other days I'm like, "Holy cow! It's going by fast!" But then, I think about how much time we have left and I start a mini panic thinking about how much we have left to do! We have our crib...and that's about it. But, we did find our daycare lady and we both absolutely LOVE her! So that's a positive to cross off the list.

So here's a picture of the little guy. Thank God Kurtis scanned them on the computer...because he sent this picture along with the rest of them through the wash. Sad day...but let's not think about it.

Now I'm officially a blogger...check back for more updates and finally some belly pictures!


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I'm a full-time mommy, wife and teacher. Coupons and shopping are my weaknesses -- and the two go in hand pretty well. Welcome to my life and happy savings to you!