Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wah Wah Spring Break 2011

  Okay, so this year Spring Break has been a Debbie Downer you could say.  Besides the fact that I get to play stay at home mommy again with my monkey man - everything else seems to kinda feel like a double downer - wah wah. 
  We can start with the most obvious - the weather.  Seriously, snow, in March basically April? This is always the time of year when I ask myself, "Why do we live in Indiana again?"  I know deep in my heart I am a total beach girl - which is why I spent 8 years of my life during school ensuring that I was in warm and sunny Florida each week.  But I was looking forward to taking Cohen on stroller rides and possibly running for the first time together and testing out Brady's running ability (depending on his winter weight gain, ha).  Unfortunately it is cold, SNOWING and sick outside. Wah.
  Double wah to the fact that I've spent the majority of this week playing Dr. Mommy to Coco Bear as well.  It started out as a simple cold, the progressively has gone from green snot city to rattling chest coughs.  We went to the doctor for the first time (other than his shot appointments that is) and was ordered our first prescription.  I love our doctor - great guy and basically told me use it if I need it, otherwise if he starts acting fine don't get it filled.  However, this morning was cough city with a fever so to CVS we went.  He's doing better now, but I am still bummed that we are dealing with his first illness.  I guess it is a good thing I didn't have to take any days off but I'd rather have my healthy little monkey man.  Oh the joys of daycare.  Wah. Wah.
  Finally, I decided to take this week to umm...dry myself up for better words.  (So if you have a problem reading about this - suck it, and don't read my blog anymore.  It is titled "Adventures in Mommyhood" for a reason.)  All I have to say is holy pain - this is no joke.  The things no one bothers to tell you as you become a mother.  Wah. Wah. Wah.
  So, as I think I'll end this post with something a little brighter so I don't sound like a total Debbie Downer.  Cohen will be 6 months old next week - can hardly believe my little guy is already half a year old.  I laugh thinking about last year at this time.  I was just through my first trimester and finally feeling good.  No more nausea and gag reflects to the smells of bread and Doritos.  And here I am today, looking at my monkey man bouncing in his chair and moving his body as he gets ready to crawl.  It is crazy how your life changes in a year's time.  So wah to the weather, illness and drying out.  But cheers to the new changes of my little man and the fact that Spring is coming oh so soon.

I just can't get enough of this little guy!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dr. Mommy

Cohen has had little sniffles here and there - but mainly just runny noses due to teething and such.  However, Saturday morning the little guy woke up with a full fledge congested head.  He couldn't breathe out of his nose and the poor guy had awful drainage.  To make matters worse, he wouldn't eat and when he did, he would gag and throw up because of all the snot.  And every time he sneezed, it was a rush to wipe his nose before he rubbed his face first. Thankfully I had my mom's help and she reminded me that he is going to get sick and he is totally fine.  He never really ran a fever but of course he couldn't sleep well.  But the little monkey stayed in high spirits, despite being clogged up.  This morning was much better, but now it seems to be going to his chest - which totally freaks me out.  I know this is just one of the many illnesses to come - and I was just waiting for this first experience to come.  But this is what being a mom is all about - the good, the bad and the snotty.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The World of a Working Mom

  I just finished my third week since going back to work...and I'm pooped.  I feel almost as exhausted as I did when Cohen was home for the first time.  It may be a combination of his bad sleeping habits here lately and the fact that for any teacher, this time of the year is the worst time.  But literally, as I type this (and pump, don't be alarmed) I am trying with all of my might to keep my eyes open.  THANK GOD FOR COFFEE!!  Seriously, I look forward to my one cup a day.  But the exciting news is that next week is the last week of school until Spring Break.   I can't wait to spend a whole week off with my little stinker.  He has adjusted so well to the sitter and she just loves him too.  I think I've adjusted now, but it still is hard to leave him in the mornings - especially when he is just so happy at this time of the day.  T
  This morning, the stinker decided that he was going to play in his crib from 2-4 and then wake up around 6:30.  Recently, we've been fighting these late night wakeups that really are killing me and Kurtis.  Cohen's never been a good sleeper, and I blame his dad for that because Kurtis isn't either. But the early wake up time for work combined with a stinker who doesn't want to sleep all night -- my body is begging for a nap.  Or maybe just 8 straight hours of sleep?  I told Kurtis tonight that one day, Cohen will sleep.  And one day, we'll be able to sleep like normal people again. 
  Being back to work with all of the responsibilities that are expected of me is hard.  I don't think I have as much patience as I once did.  Sadly, it is the same kids that test me day after day.  What is funny is that one of my kids even raised his hand to tell the class today that when I have to take my time to call home, they are wasting time that I should be spending with my baby. It made me laugh - because as least he's been listening!  This time of the year really sucks for a teacher though - assessments, behavior, spring fever - it all adds up and turns into a cluster of chaos.  Just 8 more weeks until summer....and then it is fun in the sun with my stinker!!

Here's Stinky now - he loves to roll and more recently he has started to bring his knees up and trying to rock himself.  Start the baby proofing now! :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm a Survivor

  5 days down, 54 -more to go!  I survived my first week back to work.  Surprisingly, it feels more like a job rather than my life now.  I still love my kids (well, most of them) and what I do (despite being overwhelmed with deadlines, data and assessments) but now I have more important things to attend to when 3:15 rolls around.  The days go back quick, and when that clock strikes 3:15 - I'm packing up and gone -- whether my desk is cleaned, papers are copied or board erased -- because I know my little man is waiting for me! 
  I survived my first day back without too bad of a meltdown.  Putting him to bed Sunday night was the hardest.  The tears kept coming while he smiled and talked to me as he touched my face, like he was saying it's okay mom, I know you have to do this and don't want to, but I will be okay.  Then of course, of all nights, we have storms like none other.  Those who know me well understand my deep fear of storms.  While Cohen slept like a baby once (all night may I add), mama slept like crap, awakened by every weather alert text sent to my phone and flash of lightning.  And when my alarm went off at 5:25, I was saddend with the thought that my maternity leave was over and it was back to the real world I go.  My mornings are now consumed with pumping and tip toeing around in the dark, making sure I don't awake the baby.  Who knew a baby would add a good 25 minutes to my morning routine - and he's not even up yet!  But that last kiss to my little man broke my heart, creating a surge of tears that consumed half of my drive to work.  The day went quick, the kids were happy to see me and I only had to make 1 parent phone call because of bad behavior.  And 3:15 couldn't have come fast enough!!
  Cohen really seems to be comfortable at his sitter's house - and I know they really love him.  She is always holding him and kissing him while her husband has seemed to have bonded quite well with my stinker as well.  But this week wouldn't be complete without a sick baby on our hands - and as they tell me, welcome to daycare!
  Being a working mom is a real emotional roller coaster - one day I think I'm fine while the next I am crying to my mom because I miss my little man so much.  I'm working on Kurtis now to see if he'll let me job share next year with another teacher who asked if I would be interested - something that I'd really love to do if it allowed me more time with stinker!  However, I think I'll survive the rest of this year at least - only 54 more days left...but who's counting?

Mama's Little Stinker

About Me

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I'm a full-time mommy, wife and teacher. Coupons and shopping are my weaknesses -- and the two go in hand pretty well. Welcome to my life and happy savings to you!