Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stay at Home Mommy

Any parent out there would agree with me - the hardest job anyone can have is being a mom or dad.  I had a conversation today with a coworker who has triplets and a 1 year old.  We both agree that being a parent has brought on more challenges than you can ever imagine, yet it is the most rewarding and amazing job a person can experience.  It is super hard for me to think that 16 weeks ago my journey began.  To some, 16 weeks doesn't seem so far away but to others, that's a big mile marker.  It has been 16 weeks since I've slept a full 8 hours through the night (mainly because I get up every few hours to check if he's breathing, OCD yes.), ate a meal that took longer than 5 minutes, was able to lay in bed on a lazy Saturday and watch SoapNet all day, get ready and on time to a place, drive 5 miles over the speed limit, make a random run to Starbucks or walk into Target and bypass the baby section completely.  But, I wouldn't change a minute..not even a second of this new life.   I've had a recent conversation with my husband that even though I am not currently GOING to work, I still work harder than I ever have when I am at home.  I don't think he realizes how hard I work - come to think of it, many people who haven't been a stay at home mom for a minute of their life don't get how hard it really is to do.  But I get so sad thinking that I only have 4 more weeks of this lifestyle with my little man.  I've really enjoyed getting to see his every change.  His gummy smile can make the worst of days disappear.  Even when he refuses to nap and screams bloody murder, I really am dreading going back to work and letting someone else experience my son's growing up.  The perks of being a teacher are the vacations and I guess summer is just around the corner, so I'll get to stay home with him for almost 3 months.  But if one day we win the Powerball, I think I could get used to this stay at home mommy job. :)
The moments I love - naps on Mommy. :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Baby Talk

So Cohen's been babbling for awhile but more recently the stinker has really discovered his voice. He's so funny because he screams like this ALL the time - from diaper changes, eating, watching Baby Einstein...you name it, he's talking.  I just can't get enough of this little booger!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

We Have a Situation

A swaddling situation that is I mean.  Our current big step is trying to get Cohen used to sleeping not swaddled.  The main reason we made this decision is because I'd be getting up 2 or 3 times in the night just to reswaddle the Houdini.  Plus he's so close to rolling over, I'm deathly afraid he'll roll over in his sleep swaddled.  Here, let me show you what I mean by Houdini:
  It is kind of funny because I'll hear him fussing on the monitor and then I'll hear blankets rustling.  That's how I know he's escaped.  No matter how tight the thing is, he gets out.  I mean seriously, the blanket turns into a mini baby tourniquet but the kid still manages to get out of it.  I've been working him up to this point by putting him in just a sleep sack for naps.  I figured we might as well do it now and get it to happen.
  So, Thursday was Night 1.  He fell asleep around 8:30 and woke himself up about 1.  And then was up until 3...screaming.  And I mean screaming.  No matter how much rocking I would do and how out of it he'd be when I would put him back down, he would wake himself up screaming.  So finally I gave him a bottle and I think he was just extremely tired and slept until almost 8.  His naps throughout the day Friday were longer because the booger was catching up on his z's from Thursday night.
  Last night was Night 2.  It was much better - just a little stirring but no screaming fits like the night before.  However, he did decide he wanted to get up at 6:45 but we made him sleep in bed with us until 8.  Don't tell on us.
  So our swaddling journey continues.  I'm thinking a good restless week until he finally gets used to it.  Keeping my fingers crossed that this will help him eliminate his 1 nightly bottle and help him sleep all night finally.  The Situation to be continued....

Friday, January 7, 2011

Need a New Car?

I have this great opportunity to share with you from Buick!  On January 10th at 9:15 am, Buick will be streaming live from their Facebook page and revealing their new luxury design.  They will also be offering readers of the blog a chance to win $2000 or a new car!  All you have to do is click the link below and "Like" Buick's Facebook page.
Once you've clicked the link and "Liked" Buick's page, you can watch the live reveal and cross your fingers in hope of winning not only $2000 but even better - and new Buick car!

I was not compensated for this review. All opinions are 100% mine

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Three Months...Already!

Cohen is offically 3 months old today!

It seems impossible that time has gone by this quickly already.  I need to start preparing myself for the inevitable - going back to work.  BUT, I just can't quite convince myself it is truely time yet.  However, I have really enjoyed staying home with little man.  It isn't all sweet and relaxing at times, but it is fun to watch him grow into himself and meet his milestones.  His new favorite thing to do is play the "Uppy" game.  We used to play and he'd practice just sitting up from the floor.  However, he's decided that he's over sitting and now he likes to stand up from the floor.  The funny thing is he is flat footed and then when he's tired he just sits on his butt.  It makes me nervous that we may be in for it here soon...but that's ok. :)  Cohen also loves his rice cereal.  He actually loves it so much that he screams if I can't get it in his mouth fast enough.  I've started giving it to him twice a day now and he's still chugging 6oz bottles 5 times a day like a champ.  His hands are also a new favorite "toy."  They are always in his mouth and sometimes he shoves them in so far he gags himself, which makes me laugh.  Cohen rolls to his side and kicks his legs to music.  He still LOVES his baby Einstein videos in the morning and dances away to them.  We are now sleeping from 8:30-8, waking up once for a feeding around 4.  He's also in size 3-6 month clothes - I just put away all the 0-3 month clothes today, which made me a little sad.  Overall, the past 3 months have really been a blur.  Thank God I have a camera and this blog to help me remember all the little things that sometime slip my mind.  I can't wait to continue watching him grow up, even if it is a little fast. :)
Cohen and Monk - his favorite chewy blanket.


Sitting like a big boy in my Bumbo!

Okay mom, I'm ready for you to stop now.

About Me

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I'm a full-time mommy, wife and teacher. Coupons and shopping are my weaknesses -- and the two go in hand pretty well. Welcome to my life and happy savings to you!