Friday, December 30, 2011

A Day in the Life of a SAHM

In case you were wondering, SAHM stands for - Stay at Home Mom (clever, right?)  And so far, we are one week down yet still one week left of this glorious Winter Break.   But all I can keep thinking about is my maternity leave and how much I loved being at home.  I think this break is harder than summer break because of the fact that I came back from maternity leave last year and only had 2.5 months left until summer.  This time around, I've been working for 4 months and this break is acting like a little tease, reminding me of our daily routines we had down so well before school started up again.

So, here is a look at a day in the life of a SAHM (with a wild 15 month old):

7:00 am (on the dot) Sometimes 7:30 if he feels like being nice - Cohen wakes up, no longer crying for "Mama," it is now "My Baba!"  Probably need to work on getting rid of that thing. But we lounge on the couch together, enjoying Matt Lauer The Today Show and drinking our baba and coffee.
(Notice we are already trying to get on the Santa's good list this new year.)

Around 8:30, we enjoy breakfast together.  We laugh, babble and feed the dog any scraps that we don't want from our breakfast plates.

The rest of the morning is spent cleaning, getting ready for the day, dancing the Hot Dog (you got that one Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Mamas), and playing until lunch time.  I love this time of the morning because Cohen is so active and charming - just like his mama after two cups of coffee.  And yes, I am exhausted.

 This would be the Hot Dog in motion - look at that speed!  My child's a dancing machine - he may be the next Usher.

 So proud of his moves!

11:00 am - not a second later (this kid will for sure let you know he is not waiting any longer) Cohen enjoys his lunch.  If he's really tired, I may luck out and he'll fall asleep during lunch, which eliminates the usual nap time battle.

(You can't tell he loves his spaghetti or anything...)

More play time, usually a little Muno and Broby time is included during this last hour before nap.

On this particular Monday, we had a learning moment during this hour.

Today's Lesson the Day went down like this however:
I can push my bucket over the fireplace ledge....

 and be able to get in and  sit happily in my bucket!

 Mama's so proud.

The time period between 12 and 2 is what I like to call Mother Sanity.  I'll workout, shower, watch T.V., nap - do whatever I want to regain my motherhood conciseness during these two hours.  Our deal is whether he wakes up or not, he stays in his crib for 2 hours.

From 2 (or later if I'm lucky) and on is spent snacking, playing, making dinner and many other motherly activities that are expected of the stay at home mom.  I typically try to run errands during this time period because around 4 is when we enter the "Witching Hour" in which he turns not into a nice witch, like Harry Potter, but rather the Wicked Witch of Follow Drive.  He'll grump, pout and want you to hold him - especially if he didn't take a good nap.  That's why I run errands because the car ride and trips distract him from putting any evil spells on my patience.

 This is how we handled the "Witching Hour" today.  Please take note of the napping husband in the background - he had to work at 4:30 this morning -- wah, wah.

By 7 o'clock, it is bath time and bed time.  We splash and sing in tub, run around naked like a wild child and then baba and rock until its sleepy time. 

How can you not love this face??

I really miss doing this on a full time basis.  I think if only I could work my job part time to gain some socialization in the  outer world, I could handle this stay at home mom business.  Maybe one day I'll get lucky...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Diaper Snob? Well, kinda.

I'll admit it, when it comes to my precious little Cohen I want nothing but the best for the kid!  Therefore the diaper I put on his little butt every day, 10 times a day must meet my satisfaction.  But now that he sleeps for 12 hours a night, sometimes the Pampers just don't cut it and he wakes up soaking wet. And I have always been a Pampers mom - but after waking up sopping wet, I knew I had to find something else.  A friend of mine reminded me of the great quality of Target brand diapers and so I gave in and tried them once again.  Seriously guys, these suckers are amazing at holding in all the overnight wetness - and what's even better is the price!  This week you can go to the Target website and print off a coupon for $1.50 off a pack of diapers.  If you want to try them, this is a great way to start.

Here's how it works:
  • Go the Target website and click the coupon tab.  Then, print off the coupon for $1.50 off Up and Up diapers.
  • Since there is no count limit stated on the coupon, you can apply it to any size pack of diapers - box or bag.
  • Purchase the jumbo pack of Up and Up Diapers for $6.29 minus your $1.50 coupon and you'll spend $4.79 for the pack.
Seriously, just try them out and let me know what you think.  The tabs are sturdy, you can latch them and adjust as needed and they will still stick.  Plus, they are decorated with cute little green and blue dots.  I have always been a fan of the Up and Up brand wipes too - I get the sensitive kind and they aren't hard and stiff like some brands can be.  I honestly think they are great for boys, but then again, I don't have any girls to compare them to at this time!  Let me know your thoughts!

Happy Savings! :)

Target Tip - Stock up on Coke 2 Liters!

I had to share this great Target deal with you all - especially with New Year's Eve on Saturday, this is a great way to stock up on Coke products for your guests or if you're like me, for your thirsty husband!

The deal goes like this:
Buy 4/$5 -- HOWEVER, the fine print reads a special sale --
Buy 4, get 1 FREE!!
So you are getting 5 Coke or any Coke product 2 Liter for $1 each.
BUT - It gets better!  If you go to Coke Zero's Facebook page and like them, you can print a .99 coupon off any Coke Zero product - and you can print it twice!

Your purchase:
  • Two (2) 2 Liters of Coke Zero - to be able to use your coupons
  • Three (3) 2 Liters of your choice of Coke Product
You pay $5.00 minus the $1.98 from the 2 coupons making your total $3.02 before tax.  This makes each 2 Liter about .60 a piece!
That's a pretty good deal if you want to start stocking up on beverages for your family.  Hope this is helpful!

Happy Savings! :)

Christmas with the Baumgartners

This was the first Christmas in which we actually stayed home to celebrate the holiday.  I worked until Friday and Kurt had to work Monday and Tuesday (at 4:30 am nonetheless) so it would have been impossible to visit all of our family.  Therefore we made the executive decision to stay in town this year for Christmas.  It was a good thing because unfortunately on Friday we ended up running to the Immediate Care because Cohen had started up with his cough - and once he starts, it only gets worse.  And with the holidays, we knew there would be nothing open so we got him started on the meds right away, but he's fine now.  So with the sickness, we all went to bed early on Christmas Eve.  It was really nice to watch movies and hang out in my own bed that night, especially after the incredibly long week we just had.  I loved being able to spend some quiet time with the hubby for once without feeling too tired to move.  Then, we got up on Christmas morning, opened presents and ate an abundance of cinnamon rolls and candy from our stockings.  My parents, sister and brother in law came into town later that day, so we had a big meal and presents again.  Overall, we had a really nice Christmas - hopefully next year we'll be in our new and bigger house and we can invite everyone over for a huge Christmas slumber party!  But honestly, I really enjoyed spending Christmas with our family at home this year!

The singing monkey -- a perfect solution for the crabby toddler.

Getting the hang of this unwrapping presents thing!

Ooo, even Brother had to get his nose into the fun.

La la la, Elmo's World -- not going to lie, this is kinda creepy but we love putting our finger in his mouth as he talks.

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Weekly Walgreens Trip 12/27

Earlier I posted about some great deals you can score right now at CVS.  You can view those by clicking this link:  CVS Savings 12/26.  But this week I think I did fairly well at Walgreens!  I have just started venturing back there because their coupon policies are kind of a pain.  But, basically what you need to remember is the number of coupons you have (including their Register Rewards) must match the number of items you are purchasing.  For example, if I have 2 coupons and 2 Register Rewards (which are their version of Extra Bucks -- basically free $$ to use on any products of your choice), I must have 4 items that I am checking out with.  So, tonight I started my trip with $5 Register Rewards from last week.  This is what I ended up with:

Not too shabby if I do say so myself!  All for around $10 with $5 in Register Rewards to use next week, so basically $5 for all of this above!

This is how I planned it:

Transaction #1 - 
  • Crest Vivid White toothpaste or brushes -- on sale 3 for $9 and you earn $3 RR for your next purchase.  I got 2 Vivid 3-D Toothbrushes and 1 Vivid White Paste -- adds up to $9.00 but I used two .75 coupons and one $1.  So, $9-$2.50=$6.50
  • Illy Coffee drinks  2 for $3.00 -- I then used a $2.00 off 2 coupon I found on making these drinks .50 a piece.
Then, I used my $4 RR from last week on this purchase since I had 5 items, I could add this to make my fifth coupon.

Total for this transaction-- $4.13 (that includes tax) plus the $3 Register Rewards from my Crest purchase.

Transaction #2 - 
  •  Edge and Schick Shave Gel - on sale 2 for $4. I used a .55 and $1 coupon on this transaction making these shave gels about $1.25 a piece.
  • Wrigley Extra Gum - used the in store coupon from the weekly ad making these .79 each.  Then, I stacked it with $1 off 2 coupon so I got both packs of gum for .58.
  • Duracell AA Batteries 4 ct. - on sale for $2.99 and I used a $1.50 coupon.  So I scored these bad boys for $1.49.
  • Lifestyles Skyn Condoms (I needed something to get some RR for next week) -- on sale for $4.99 and I earned a $4.99 RR, so these were basically free, otherwise I wouldn't have purchased them.
  • Marshmallow Santa - on clearance for .25.  I needed a filler because I had more coupons than items, so this was a cheap and yummy treat! (I'll add some Walgreens tips for you later in another post, so you'll understand what a filler!)
I then used my $1 RR from last week and my $3 RR from my previous transaction to add to this purchase.

Total for this transaction -- $6.73 (that includes tax) plus the $5 RR, therefore I paid $1.73 for all of this stuff!

This week I spent a total of $10.86, minus the $5 RR, therefore making my week's spending $5.86!  Plus, I saved almost $30 - so I consider this a successful trip!

Be on the lookout for more posts on tips to save yourself some extra cash as well as information and me and Michele's up and coming couponing blog for moms!

Happy Savings! :)

Coupon Quick Tip - Great for Cold and Allergy Peeps!

So I said I would update my blog with some coupon quick tips - so here's my first one for CVS.  It is a great way to stock up on your cold and allergy medicines!

Zyrtec 5 ct -- $5.99 BUT you get  $5.99 Extra Bucks back when you use your CVS ExtraCare card!!

Theraflu -- on sale for $4.77 and get $3 Extra Bucks when you purchase two.

Okay, so here's a good scenario  for you to use to start earning your EBs and stocking up on your own!

You'll want to do 2 different transactions. 

Transaction 1:
Zyrtec -- you'll pay $5.99 but earn the 5.99 EB you can use on your next purchase.

Transaction 2:
Buy 2 Theraflu for $9.54.  Then, I'd stack 2 $2 off coupons you can print from Theraflu's website -- just click the savings tab at the top to get your printable coupons.  So, that will bring your total down to $5.54+tax.  Next, top if off with your $5.99 EB from your first transaction making this purchase completely free!  Plus you'll earn $3 EB to save for next week!
**Note that you may want to throw in a clearance candy or something around 55 cents so you can use the full amount of your $5.99 EB, otherwise it will only be used for the $5.54 total, you can't apply EB to tax.  It's your preference!

So you get about $16.00 worth of cold and allergy medicine for about $5.99 plus the $3 EB you earned so really you pay about $2.99 for all 3 of these products!

Be on the lookout for my Walgreens trip update -- they are having a great 5 day sale this week!! 

Happy Savings! :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

For My Coupon Craving Friends

I've had several of my friends interested in learning coupon techniques - and there is nothing I'd love to do more than to teach people how to save money.  I think I'm starting to rub off on certain people...for example, I encouraged my husband to use a coupon on Saturday to receive an amazing deal -- a Let's Rock Elmo for $12.12 at Target (a retail of around $60).  Not only did I get 1, but I got 2 because of my slyness and coaxing to get my husband to grab that very last Elmo.  So, I thought I'd share some of my weekly deals with my loyal blog readers to encourage you to go save a buck yourself!  Seriously, there is so much stuff you can get basically free!!  My favorite places are CVS and Walgreens.  Lately, I've started to get really excited about Target because they have some great coupons on their site you can stack with manufacturer coupons.  Okay, okay so it's like I'm talking a foreign language right?  Well, let's start at the basics for you.  The lingo goes like this:
  • Manufacturer coupons are coupons you get from your local paper or mail, like SmartSource or Red Plum.  You can use these at any store that accepts coupons.  Many stores, like Meijer and Marsh, will double these coupons if they are 50 cents or less.  (That means you can save up to $1 off of certain products!)
  • Store coupons are store specific coupons.  You can get these straight off of their websites usually, like on Target and Wal-Mart.  These coupons you can only use at the specific store but you can stack them with a manufacturer coupon for more savings!
  • Stacking Coupons - To stack coupons means to take a manufacturer coupon and a store coupon to combine them and double your savings.  For example, today at Target I went to their website and got a $2 off Playtex sippy cup coupon.  I also had a $2 off manufacturer coupon off any Playtex item.  So I got $4 off a set of sippy cups!  What was even better was the sale on sippy cups this week at Target - buy 1 get 1 50% off.  It's always a better deal when you can stack your coupons on store sales!
So, how can you get started?  Well, for me organization is the key.  The more organized you are, the easier it will be for you to sort your coupons and save!
  • Get a binder (preferably 3 inch to start off).  
  • Purchase a couple of packages of plastic sleeves to hold your coupons.  You can find these pretty inexpensive by the baseball cards.  Then you can organize based on categories that fit your needs.
  • Finally, get your coupon inserts by purchasing a Sunday paper and looking in the mail.  The Red Plum inserts are delivered to our neighborhood in our regular U.S. mail - so look through your "junk" mail before you pitch it!

I'll post my weekly deals for you later so you can try them on your own! BUT be on the lookout because my friend Michele and I are going to start a website here soon to post our deals and savers!  Don't worry, I'll let you know as soon as it's up and kickin'!

14 Months and Counting

My little Coco Bear is approaching the 15 month mark here shortly -- which is really hard to believe.  Last year at this time he was taking bottles over 3-4 hours and sleeping like 4 times a day.  He is growing so fast and is seriously the one of the most funny kids I know!

His current milestones include:
  • Not only is he a walker - he's a runner and is getting quite good at it.  Maybe we'll be running together this summer :)
  • He's a shark.  And I'm not kidding about this one.  The kid has 14 teeth and is currently sprouting #15 and 16.  Don't get your fingers near his mouth because he doesn't let go.  Trust me.  I learned the hard way tonight. 
  • He wears size 18 month clothes comfortably but some 24 month because of his long torso.
  • Boy is the kid a blabber mouth!  He constantly mumbles in his cute little voice and carries on the world's best conversations with me.  Cohen's favorite words are Mama, Dada, Baba, Sit and Stop.  We've started to watch our mouths around him lately because when he first was saying sit, it definitely sounded a little more graphic if you get my drift...
  Have I mentioned that Cohen is 100% ALL BOY?  Dear Lord, how karma has turned around on me!  This child is constantly getting into everything - my jewelery box, the fireplace and most recently, the toilet.  I had to lunge Matrix style to close the lid the other day before Monkey ended up in there - as the toilet was flushing.  This child is like an Energizer Bunny.  But when he is tired, the world must look out -- can we say crankysaurus?  What's funny is now he tells you to "Stop!" if you do something he doesn't like.  For example, I was sitting on the floor and was in the little Prince's way.  So, he hits my back and looks at me and says, "Stop!"  Well, unfortunately we don't hit our mothers, so I lightly slap his hand and say, "Cohen, no hit."  He looks at dad with this pathetic little look and does the world's most girly fake cry as he's holding his hand - and of course Kurtis and I lose it with laughter.  1 point for Cohen - 0 points for the disciplinarians. Oooo, we're going to have to work a little bit in that area...
  I love watching him grow up and seeing the new things he learns.  His sitter taught him how to blow his nose so every Kleenex, napkin or piece of paper he finds, he has to blow his nose in it.  Cohen is also a dancing machine - he twirls, moves his hands, breaks it down low -- I tell you, this kid is a comedian.  But motherhood is even better than I have imagined it to be and even though it is the hardest job I've ever had (besides waitressing - be kind to your servers, please) I honestly can say that I would not trade a single thing in my life for these last 15 months.  Okay, I would trade the time where my dog ate all of my Halloween candy out of my teacher bag or a month ago when Kurtis and I came down with the stomach flu simultaneously (and you know how men are big ol' babies when they are sick, even though I threw up WAY more than him...) but this time with Cohen is so precious and has been nothing short of amazing!

Here's Cohen gettin' low...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Couponer's Heaven

This week, CVS was having some AMAZING sales for Black Friday.  What was even better was the fact that it started Thanksgiving morning!  My original plan was to go Thursday morning before we ventured up to Goshen for the long weekend.  However, my precious child let momma sleep in and therefore I missed my opportunity since I had nothing packed for the trip.  So, I had to do my shopping trip at the one and only CVS in Goshen.  This was a little different for me considering down here there are stores on every corner, but I'm being literal when I say one and only CVS in Goshen.  Therefore some of my items had been sold out so I had to totally change my list and re-plan it as I was in the store.  But overall, I am super happy with my purchases.  I had $4 Extra Bucks to shop with beforehand but I spent only $6.45 but ended up with $9.50 Extra Bucks leftover.  So I actually earned $3.05 on my shopping trip.  Here's a glance at my purchases:

Overall, I consider my Black Friday shopping trip a success. :)  I'm itching to use these Extra Bucks up soon!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Coupon Crazy

This is a picture of our usual Sunday afternoons - Cohen is napping, Brady is napping, Kurtis is working on his MBA homework and I have my Sunday ads, coupon binder, pen and paper ready to go all spread out on the kitchen table.  I'm still learning -but I'm starting to really catch on.  Take for example my shopping trip at Marsh on Friday:
  • ALL laundry detergent - on sale for 2.99 -- used .50 coupon which doubled to $1 off.
  • Colgate toothpaste -- on sale for 1.50 -- used .50 coupon which doubled to $1 off.
  • Dr. Pepper Ten -- 1.89 -- used coupon for free 2 liter
  • Herbal Essence Conditioner -- on sale for 2.50 -- used $1 off coupon.
So my total for that shopping trip was 3.76 -- a 76% savings! 

My favorite place to get all our bathroom stuff is CVS.  I always buy things that I have coupons for or are free with Extra Bucks.  My most recent proud purchase was a box of Pampers on sale for 18.99.  I had a 2.50 off coupon and 4 Extra bucks so I paid around $12 PLUS I got 4 EB to use this weekend for Black Friday shopping.  So really I got a box of diapers for $8.

I know, I'm creating a coupon addiction - which isn't really that extreme yet.  But who doesn't like to save money??  Better yet - who doesn't like free stuff??  More updates coming soon. :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cake Smash

Despite my son's ultra grumpiness and absolute desire to continuously go up the stairs (which, I have no idea how he can go up stairs so fast considering we don't have any and neither does his sitter) Michele captured some great pics at this Cake Smash session.  Who would've thought my son loved cake so much? :)

 -- Check her out! :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

3x5 Folded Card

Birthday Bubbles Blue Thank You Card
Elegant thank you cards and notes by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

In a Year's Time...

My little monkey is officially a toddler!  He is drinking whole milk like a champ (still from the bottle however) and chooses to walk now more often and crawl.  Despite the fact he's sick everyday or hates sleeping, I have loved every minute of mommyhood.   Time really does fly by - so I thought I'd make a timeline of Cohen's first year for fun and of course for memory purposes. :)

1 Day Old

                                                       1 Month Old

                                                        2 Months

                                                        3 Months

                                                         4 Months

                                                        5 Months

                                                      6 Months

                                                         7 Months

                                                       8 Months

                                                        9 Months

                                                      10 Months

                                                        11 Months

                                                       1 Year Old

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

To Coco Love, Mama

My little Coco Bear,
  One year has already passed since you became a part of our lives.  We waited a very long 40.5 weeks for you to come join us in this world.  But, on Tuesday, October 5th, 2010, you decided you were ready to come be a part of this crazy place -- and fast and furious you came!  You definitely have a mind of your own, but that's what makes you such a special little guy.  We refer to it as "Cohen Time."  Through the months of sleepless nights, days that we'd stay in our pajamas until 4 pm (right before Daddy came home) and the countless amounts of spit-ups and blowouts (and not the hair kind), we made it a whole year together.  I love you more and more everyday - you are always on my mind and I wish that I could spend all day, everyday with you.  You amaze daddy and I with the new things you learn and how quickly you pick it up. You are the most loving, sweetest and precious little boy I have ever known.  Your smile is contagious and you know how to flirt and get people to laugh.  I have learned so much about myself from you this past year, and I'm excited to continue to grow with you.  Daddy and I are better people because of you!  I am so thankful God has blessed us with you, our precious little miracle.   Happy first birthday, Monkey!

Love you, Mama

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Don't Blink

 If you know me or my husband, then you know that we are die hard Kenny Chesney fans (and not just because he can make a cowboy hat look good!)  But I recently heard his song, "Don't Blink" and couldn't help but think how much this song holds true to my own life.  A week from today,  my little monkey is turning 1 -  seriously, where did the time go?  Last year at this time my ankles were swollen, my rings barely fit my fingernail and I was eating the labor pizza from Bazbeaux's for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I was also enjoying my last childless birthday and one of my last mornings of uninterrupted sleep.  I remember anticipating what labor would be like (vomit, for me, literally) and wondering if I would know when I was in labor - and trust me, after 30 minutes of contractions, I did.   But I never realized how much our lives would change when we brought Cohen into it. Before, I knew love, but I didn't think I could love something so much.  And from the second I held my son, I was overwhelmed with this amazing love and affection for him immediately.  I was in absolute awe of this little being we had created.  Every morning I thank God for this amazing blessing - even when he wakes up in the middle of night crying, or throws his toys out of his crib trying to get us to come back and play or screams because he isn't getting his way.  I love my son unconditionally and with every ounce of my body.  It is so hard for me to imagine a life without him now.  So I know I'll be an emotional wreck as the big first birthday arrives, but seriously, "don't blink" because his second birthday will be here before we know it!

                                                                   How can he be so cute??

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Eleventh Month

  It is really crazy for me to think how last year at this time my feet were swollen, I was over maternity clothes and how I could not longer see my legs to shave them.  Now, I have a crazy fun 11 month old who is all over the place!  It is so amazing how much developmentally babies grow in a year.  Seriously, think about it.  I know I've said it before, but within a year's time, they go from being basically a baby blob to a walking, talking, eating machine!  Cohen is the fastest crawler you have ever seen.  I can't turn my back now for a second or he's in the bathroom making a mummy out of himself with toilet paper, or making a mess out of the open cupboard I left open for just a second to get the garlic powder or sneaking through the baby gate we forgot to close and playing waterfall out of the dog's water bowl.  But he is so much fun these days.  He LOVES to dance -- seriously, the kid's got moves.  Cohen will wave bye-bye, throw up his arms when we say "So big!", wave his hand in front of his nose when we say "P.U.!", clap his hands and touch his head when we sing 5 Little Monkeys and one falls off and bumps his head.  His laughter can brighten the day of anyone and his smile is absolutely precious.  He has started to stand by himself and will take a few steps, but then realizes what he's doing and falls to butt and starts crawling.  I am just in awe of how much he has grown and how much two parents can love their child so much.
   Going back to work was a bit of an adjustment, but he's at an age where he plays now, so I now the social interaction is really good for him.  He's got a little buddy at the sitter that is a few months older than him and it's fun to see them play together.  Within 3 weeks, he was sick again, of course.  But it really didn't hinder his spirits.  He has a sinus infection that went into his eyes and he's getting nebulized, but I keep reminding myself his body is growing stronger to these illnesses.
  I've started planning and sending out invites for his first birthday party.  Kurtis and I had a little debate on the theme, but I gave in and agreed on a monkey theme - mainly because I got a magazine in the mail with the cutest party things for a monkey party.  I'm super excited for this party, but a bit sad that my little monkey man is almost a year old.  Time really does fly by past - but it has been one of the best years of our lives!'s a Cohen timeline --- super fun :)

 1 Day Old

 3 Months Old

 6 Months Old

 9 Months Old

11 Months Old --- and 100% trouble :)

About Me

My photo
I'm a full-time mommy, wife and teacher. Coupons and shopping are my weaknesses -- and the two go in hand pretty well. Welcome to my life and happy savings to you!