Friday, December 31, 2010

The Best of Buds

My boys

My biggest fear while being pregnant was that when Cohen would come, Brady wouldn't take a liking to him because technically, he was my first "baby."   Now don't get me wrong, Brady isn't too fond of the crying or fussing.  And he does get a tad pouty when Dad and I are playing and cooing with the little man.  And he doesn't like it when his Papa is feeding or playing with Cohen...but he has adjusted better to him, especially in the past few weeks.  Right now Cohen doesn't really notice Brady a whole lot, but I think as he gets older, Brady will be a little more tolerant of him.  He loves to lick Cohen's ears, chew his bones on his playmat and lay on his blanket during tummy time.  We laugh because I tell Brady he's still my first furry baby. :)  I'm curious to see how their relationship will grow as Cohen begins to crawl and chase him, but more importantly pull on those floppy sweet ears.  But if I've got it right, I'm thinking Brady will become protective of the little man as he grows up and I think they'll get along just fine.
Classic moment captured of Brady giving Cohen kissies.

How can you not love both of these faces??

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cohen's First Christmas

  This year Christmas was truly a wonderful time.  For the past 3 years, it kind of has been a bit of a Debbie Downer, especially with my dad not having a job.  However, God worked in a little extra Christmas miracle for us and my dad finally got a job!!  So there was much to celebrate this year!  I spent hours (and too much money) shopping this year.  It was so fun to play Santa for Cohen!  Even though in all reality he won't remember a thing from this Christmas, it was sure fun picking out the presents, wrapping them and then helping him open the up.  Plus, little boy toys are getting to be a lot more fun. 

  We headed up to Goshen for our first road trip with little man.  It just reminded me that my car won't last past one baby.  Dear Lord was it packed!  I mean, we had every nook and cranny packed with stuff.  I don't know how my cousins did it with 2 in her little car for their first trip!  But Cohen did really well in the car - slept the whole trip both there and back.  There were a few scares, but I was very impressed with the little man.
  Christmas Eve day was spent with Kurtis' family.  We had a nice time over at Becky's place and Santa even came to visit!  Sadly, we forgot our camera at my parent's house and a classic moment would happen as Cohen pulled Santa's beard.  Of course he would!  Then that we evening we went over to my Aunt's house, but Cohey was just a little too cranky.  A good thing was that he slept from 9 until 730 on Christmas morning, not waking up once.  Now that was a good Christmas present!  My sister and brother in law came over all day Christmas Day and we spent the day with my family.  Favorite gift from Nana and Papa - a firetruck he can ride when he gets bigger.
  Overall it was a really great holiday season.  I'm looking forward to spending New Year's with my husband, little man and dog.   I hope you all had a fabulous Holiday and I'm getting excited to see what's in store for  2011!

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Goldie Years

I will blog about Co's first Christmas later, however, I feel that this deserved its own blog considering it's importance.  Let's start from the beginning...
When I was 8 and in 3rd grade at St. John's, I won a fish in a ping pong toss game at the school carnival.  A beautiful gold, shiny fish with fins and everything! So excited to have my own first pet, I took the dazzling goldfish home in the plastic cup I was given.  But, before we made it home, we made a pit stop at the Stop Inn for dinner.  When we came out, Goldie was no where to be found...until my dad felt him under his car seat.  He scooped the flipping slimey creature up and threw it back into the cup, leaves and all.  Even after that trauma, 19 years later the fish is still kicking...until Christmas Day.  Sadly, Goldie waited until we were all together to pass away in her bowl Christmas morning.  There will be no burial at sea - I mean come on, have you ever owned a 19 year old goldfish?  I think not!  This fish has been through too much to just flush - better yet she will recieve a proper burial in the Richmond Pet Cemetary. So, here's to 19 years of fishful bliss Goldie.  You will be missed...especially by mom.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

To Cry or Not to Cry?

Apparently the world is a party that Cohen refuses to miss - well, at least it is when it comes to nap or bedtime.  The amount of sleep has gotten much better.  He'll go about 6 hours at night, eat and then sleep 3 or 4 more.  However, its the PROCESS now that is going to make my hair turn gray.  You can rock, sing, hum, swaddle, sway, rub,  pat and so on until the kid is out - like dead to the world.  And I mean dead weigth, mouth open, sawing logs.  But the second you put him in his crib those eyes fly open and SURPRISE!  I'm awake, Mom!  And then the process starts all over again...So we talked to the doctor at his 2 month visit and he said its fine to let him be restless and cry a little bit to help reinforce sleeptime.  As a mother though, it literally sucks hearing your child cry.  But I'm at the end of my rope with this whole sleep process.  He used to be a fabulous napper - but now he'll make his body fight it, kicking and crying, becoming Houdini and getting out of his swaddle no matter how tight it is and making sure he does not get that good 1 to 2 hour nap that I used to look forward to in the day.  I dread bedtime because he refuses to go to sleep - once again kicking, moving around, crying, escaping from his swaddle.  I guess its just a matter of making him realize that this is bedtime, you need to go to sleep.  So its all about time again, right? Sigh.

This is not a joke - this is what he does everyday at naptime or bedtime.  And he makes it harder by smiling, laughing and talking to you as if he knows , "Mom I'm too cute to sleep, come on!"

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Magic of Mozart

I needed 5 - just 5 uninterrupted minutes to take a quick shower yesterday.  And all of a sudden it hit me - maybe Cohen would like a baby Mozart movie?  I mean, he seems extremely into his dad's nasty video games (which I continue to tell Kurtis are corrupting our son's mind but he seems to disagree with me).  So I found a short clip on the OnDemand section of our TV - 8 minutes to be exact.  I was a little unsure whether he'd like it or not.  Really, I was thinking he was too young and wouldn't understand it - but boy was I wrong.  The second I turned that video on his eyes were glued to the TV and he started jamming like nobody's business.  They showed all these different pictures with colors and shapes and numbers - honestly I thought it was the most boring thing I've ever seen but Cohen as hooked.  See what I mean:

It was the cutest thing I've ever seen (well, pretty much everything he does it cute but this is at the top of the list so far).  I don't feel too bad putting him in front of the TV because experts do say that early exposure to classical m'usic is great brain stimulation.  And the movie was literally 8 minutes - but it was the perfect "babysitter" for mommy's shower.  I even had time to shave my legs - imagine that!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Little Man Ain't Such a Little Man

Yesterday was the infamous day that most, if not all, moms dread - the first round of shots.  As a mother you do everything in your power to protect your little one from the slightest bit of harm.  Now, imagine watching someone poke your precious baby 3 times with needles.  I'm not sure what is worse - the actually shots or the cries that come from your innocent baby.  BUT, CoCo survived and all is well.  Better news is the kid is a serious porkchop.  He's 13.5 lbs (almost double, yes double, his birth weight) and 24 1/4 inches long.  The kid great over 3 inches in 2 months!  Kurtis and I are a little baffled as to where this booger is getting his heigth because if you know me, I'm vertically challenged hence the addiction to my high heels.  However, we will embrace these grow spurts with open arms if it means a college scholarship is in his future.

Because of his stellar weight and eating abilities, we were able to start him on his first try of rice cereal.  We're still a little unsure, but we still had a fun time trying it out!
Regardless, more ends up on his face and bib instead of his mouth but we'll get used to it I'm sure.  Look at the stinker - he'll definitely never miss a meal!

**A quick sidenote - Cohen slept his first full 12 hours last night.  One quick feeding at 4:30 and we were out at 5 again.  I'm thinking its a combo of sleepiness and shots - because I don't want to get too hopeful...keep your fingers crossed!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Big Boy is 2 Months - and Growing!

Happy 2 Month Birthday Coco Bear!

So my little Porker Pie, as my cousin likes to call him, is officially 2 months old today.  Once again I go through the same emotions that I always do when he hits an age milestone.  I'll look a the clock, then say to Kurtis, "2 months ago at this time we were..." and the pattern continues.  I'm not sure why I get just a tad bit weepy with every week that passes, but I feel the exact same everytime. 

Cohen's 2 month shots are on Wednesday - crossing my fingers about that one.  But I know he's over 13lbs and is at least 23 inches now.  He's outgrowing 0-3 months and is now in size 2 diapers.  The kid will eat 5 or 6 oz of breastmilk at a feeding - see why he's got the name Porker Pie?  I'm still waiting on the all night sleeping.  He's been doing a ton better however, sleeping 5-6 hours before a bottle, then back down for another 4ish.  I get a little sad when I talk to 2 of my friends who have babies born within days of Cohen and they tell me their babes are sleeping 7-8 hours or  at least through the night.  Patience is a virtue I must continue to tell myself...

He's starting to be more "fun" and responsive.  He loves to laugh and smile, kick his legs and suck his hands.  We are starting to have baby conversations together - or banguage as the Baby Whisperer would call it.  When its play time on the mat, Cohen is started to rock and roll back and forth from side to side.  I seriously am scared he's going to roll all the way over any second!
Nap time is so fun, Mom!

Time goes back so fast - I feel like just yesterday my good friend Roleen and I were secretly telling each other we were pregnant.  Actually, she was telling me she had a dream before I had even told anyone - that's a story I'll share later.  :)  Through thick and thin, no sleep, frustrations, screams, dirty diapers and spit ups, I have truly loved my experience as a mother - and I wouldn't trade it for anything!!

Brotherly love - can't deny it! :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Work? Nah, Who Needs It.

Today I went back to work - well, I tutored at GB for a whopping 2 hours.  Kurtis stayed with Cohen while in my mind I had a mental melt down.  I was so nervous beforehand I couldn't even eat lunch - seriously.  It was great seeing my class and co-workers, but I couldn't help thinking about spending more than the 3 or 4 hours away from my little man.  I kept tinking of all the "firsts" I was going to miss or how I would miss his smiling face when he woke up from nap or what if the sitter doesn't hold him when he cries or what if he gets sick and I'm not there.  Its motherly instinct I'm sure and I'm positivie all mothers in America have this fear as they get ready to go back to work.  But really, I still have a good 2 months left with my stinker and I'm already worrying about it.  In all reality I have to go back to work - that's not an option - so quit asking people :).  I need to enjoy the 4 months I get to stay with him and prepare myself later, right?  Oh boy, here come the waterworks already...

I mean seriously, who wouldn't miss this precious little thing??

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Gift of Time

Everyone tells you that in time, it will happen.  Well, 8 weeks ago my son was born and I've patiently awaited each milestone.  The first time he rolled over was at 3 weeks - and I made sure my camera was on hand to capture the moment.  The first time he smiled at the sound of my voice made my heart melt - and continues to do so everytime he gurgles and gives me that gummy smile.  But now I am anxiously awaiting the first time he decides to sleep through the night consistently.  For the past few weeks he's been pretty good about sleeping at least 5 hours before his next feeding, but recently he's been a bear to put to sleep and keep asleep.  Our patience is wearing thin - which is normal for all parents.  But I hate feeling frustrated with him and just wish I could help smooth out the situation.  I've been reading the "Baby Whisperer" by Tracy Hogg and can't decide whether her methods have helped or hindered our situation.  I guess I need to just listen to him and continue our routine rather than listening to what the Baby Whisperer says should happen.  There is so much to learn as a first time parent, and despite the frustrations, I truly have loved the joys that motherhood brings everyday.
I mean really, how can you not love this cute little face??

Saturday, November 27, 2010

5 Fat Turkeys Are We

Happy Thanksgiving to all!  This was the first year that we spent Thanksgiving here in town and it was really great.  My parents, sister and brother in law all made the trip down here to have dinner with us at my cousins' house.  It was a real fun time - lots of people and TONS of food!  Honestly, it was really nice not having to rush around to 3 Thanksgiving like we've had to do in the past.  With a new baby in tow, that was not going to be an option.  Really, the 3 hour trip up north wasn't an option yet either.  But the day was really fun, despite the rainy weather.  After everyone left, here are a few fun shots that we took with the new babies of the family:

 Here is a picture of Jenna, Jacey and Cohen.  Sadly, Cohen weighs just about as much as the girls and they are 4 months older than him - haha chunky!!

A circle of cousins - I can't wait until we can have fun playdates!

It has been a special year with a lot to be thankful for - my husband's new job, my own job, our friends and family and most importantly our new addition, Cohen Lee. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

No one ever said it would be easy...

This blog is dedicated to all the single mothers and fathers out there.  The past 2 days I have basically been doing it all on my own since Kurtis has had a wacky work schedule.  First off, when they said you won't get any sleep - they meant you won't get any sleep!  I have been trying to make Cohen go longer and longer in the night with his feedings so that means spending more time putting that paci in the mouth and rubbing his head back to sleep.  So between pumping, feeding and soothing I am running on probably 3 or 4 hours of sleep - which is literally hitting me hard.  Luckily I have an amazing husband who is willing to share these responsibilities with me when he doesn't have to be at work at 4:30 in the morning.  I guess I can handle doing this for 2 days knowing that my husband will be able to help me tonight.  Honestly, I give props to single parents because being a parent is probably the hardest job in the world.  You don't understand the extent of it until you actually are experiencing it on your own.  But the best advice I can give any parent out there is...Sleep when they sleep - because otherwise you won't be getting much of it!

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Case of the Mondays

So I wake up today like a grumpy bear who just wants to hibernate all winter long.  I kept thinking how this lack of sleep has started to get the best of me.  However, after my morning coffee and Cohen's morning feeding I noticed the little man talking to me like he has started to do.  Luckily, I captured some of these precious moments that really turned my horrible, no good very bad day completely around.

Now really, can you seriously be a sour puss when you have this doll smiling back at you?  I think not. :)  This is what motherhood is all about.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

'Tis the season!

Since Cohen's birth, my husband and I have obviously been taking more pictures than before.  So I was drawn to Shutterfly as a safe place to keep albums and ensure our pictures of the little cutie pie would always be in place where they couldn't get deleted.  Also, with the upcoming Holiday season approaching, I became super excited to send out Christmas cards for the first time.  I started browsing through Shutterfly and came across a variety of photocards that I can easily create with pictures of our new family.  There are so many different cute cards to choose from that it made my choice difficult.  Take a look at the link below and see what I mean!

Finally, I decided on the Peppermint Bliss 5x5 folded card.  I can put 3 different photos of our family on the front and add my own personal message to family and friends inside. 

I can't wait to send out my Christmas cards to show off how much Cohen has grown in just 2 months!  Plus, with my order over $30 I get free shipping.  Shutterfly makes sharing memories with families and friends super easy and convenient for everyone.

 I was not compensated for this review other than a product sample. All opinions are 100% mine.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

6 Weeks and Counting...

It is super hard to believe that at this time 6 weeks ago, Kurtis and I were laying in our hospital room watching IronMan 2 (his choice of course) loving on our new little blessing. I was telling my friend Roleen that as each week passes by I get a sad feeling in my heart thinking about where I was when the contractions started and how I felt during labor and the instant surge of love that was taken over in my heart the moment I saw my little Cohen. But each weeks brings news milestones and adds fun to Cohen's personality. For example, the little stinker is now smiling when he hears our voices. Here is my one of my favorite pictures of Cohen showing off his sweet smile in the morning.

He is now starting to interact more and is moving around a lot. So today we took a journey to our new favorite store, Babies R Us, and purchased a vibrating bouncy seat. He really likes it so far and it is fun to see him recognize himself in the little mirror that hangs down.

I honestly can't imagine going back to work after only 6 weeks. I don't know how people do it!! Each day brings new adventures and I love him more every day that I get to spend with him. I would love for Kurtis to just come home one day and say, "Babe, take the rest of the year off." And I would gladly say, "Okay, if you insist!" But one can only dream... For now, however, I will cherish each day that I get to spend with my baby boy because they grow so big right before your eyes!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

He's here!

So 4 months later I have started my third posting...oops.

Well, Cohen Lee Baumgartner decided to make his entry into the world on October 5, 2010 - 3 days late may I add. But of course he did not make his presence unknown. Labor started at about 7 am that day and by the time I got to the hospital at 10 I was already 6 cm. The stinker then decided to give us a scare and his heart rate dropped right before I started pushing. So as I signed all the paperwork for a possible C-section, his heart rate when back up and he started his arrival. Unfortunately after almost 2 hours of pushing he finally made it at 4:49 pm but had to spend the night in the NICU due to the fact he swallowed some fluid in the womb. However, our stay at St. Vincent's Carmel was great and our nurses, especially Missy, were outstanding. Here are some pictures of the little pumpkin:

So far he's been a great baby and we really have been blessed with a perfect little miracle. :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oops...already slacking!

Well, Saturday is the big 30 weeks. It is kind of hard to believe that I've actually been pregnant for so long but seriously, the itchy stomach is driving me nuts! Baby boy is more active and we are starting to see body parts strech out of the skin. It really creeps me out because it seems more alienlike than babylike. What's even more crazy is the fact that we will have an actual human in our home in less than 2 and half months! Yet there is so much to do still...

Kurtis and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on the 19th. We spent the weekend in Cinci shopping and spending some really fun time together. We went crazy in Ikea and actually bought the dresser for the baby room. And what do ya know - it matches perfectly with the crib! I also needed to spend some money and finally admit that I needed to invest in some maternity clothes. It is so hard to spend money on clothes you know you won't be wearing in 6 months (or at least you hope so!). But luckily these days there are cute maternity clothes that don't make you look like a person in a potato sack - thank you Heidi Klum and Nicole Richie for your fabulous line at Pea in a Pod. :)

So I went on a "nesting" spree and cleaned the every living daylight out of the baby's room. It felt really good to get rid of a bunch of the junk we had piled up in there since we moved into our house 3 years ago. Now if only I could kick Kurtis' habit of being a box whore...seriously babe, shoe boxes really don't need to be kept for years and years. :) My plan is to drag my friend Diana over next week to help me paint because I'm starting to get the itch to wash and hang everything and I really want to get the room mostly done before school starts. I'll post pictures once the room is on it's way to being completed.

No pictures this post - but hopefully by next I can convince my loving husband to invest in a new camera (pretty pleeeassseeee). I'll also get a 30 week belly pic up since I've been asked by 7,654 people to do so.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

So here we are...

Alright, so I decided to give in and start a blog of my own. I'm sure I'll get better at it as we go, but really I thought it would be nice to update all our family and friends that live far away with the new babe on the way!

Today is 26 weeks...and counting. Little Baumgartner is either: a. a ninja or b. a breakdancer. I'm going to make Kurtis let me invest in one of those music belly bands that you play for your baby in the womb. It's supposed to make them smarter or something, but I want to do it just to enjoy that special time with him. Some days I feel I've been pregnant FOREVER while other days I'm like, "Holy cow! It's going by fast!" But then, I think about how much time we have left and I start a mini panic thinking about how much we have left to do! We have our crib...and that's about it. But, we did find our daycare lady and we both absolutely LOVE her! So that's a positive to cross off the list.

So here's a picture of the little guy. Thank God Kurtis scanned them on the computer...because he sent this picture along with the rest of them through the wash. Sad day...but let's not think about it.

Now I'm officially a blogger...check back for more updates and finally some belly pictures!

About Me

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I'm a full-time mommy, wife and teacher. Coupons and shopping are my weaknesses -- and the two go in hand pretty well. Welcome to my life and happy savings to you!