Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Three Months...Already!

Cohen is offically 3 months old today!

It seems impossible that time has gone by this quickly already.  I need to start preparing myself for the inevitable - going back to work.  BUT, I just can't quite convince myself it is truely time yet.  However, I have really enjoyed staying home with little man.  It isn't all sweet and relaxing at times, but it is fun to watch him grow into himself and meet his milestones.  His new favorite thing to do is play the "Uppy" game.  We used to play and he'd practice just sitting up from the floor.  However, he's decided that he's over sitting and now he likes to stand up from the floor.  The funny thing is he is flat footed and then when he's tired he just sits on his butt.  It makes me nervous that we may be in for it here soon...but that's ok. :)  Cohen also loves his rice cereal.  He actually loves it so much that he screams if I can't get it in his mouth fast enough.  I've started giving it to him twice a day now and he's still chugging 6oz bottles 5 times a day like a champ.  His hands are also a new favorite "toy."  They are always in his mouth and sometimes he shoves them in so far he gags himself, which makes me laugh.  Cohen rolls to his side and kicks his legs to music.  He still LOVES his baby Einstein videos in the morning and dances away to them.  We are now sleeping from 8:30-8, waking up once for a feeding around 4.  He's also in size 3-6 month clothes - I just put away all the 0-3 month clothes today, which made me a little sad.  Overall, the past 3 months have really been a blur.  Thank God I have a camera and this blog to help me remember all the little things that sometime slip my mind.  I can't wait to continue watching him grow up, even if it is a little fast. :)
Cohen and Monk - his favorite chewy blanket.


Sitting like a big boy in my Bumbo!

Okay mom, I'm ready for you to stop now.


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I'm a full-time mommy, wife and teacher. Coupons and shopping are my weaknesses -- and the two go in hand pretty well. Welcome to my life and happy savings to you!