Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stay at Home Mommy

Any parent out there would agree with me - the hardest job anyone can have is being a mom or dad.  I had a conversation today with a coworker who has triplets and a 1 year old.  We both agree that being a parent has brought on more challenges than you can ever imagine, yet it is the most rewarding and amazing job a person can experience.  It is super hard for me to think that 16 weeks ago my journey began.  To some, 16 weeks doesn't seem so far away but to others, that's a big mile marker.  It has been 16 weeks since I've slept a full 8 hours through the night (mainly because I get up every few hours to check if he's breathing, OCD yes.), ate a meal that took longer than 5 minutes, was able to lay in bed on a lazy Saturday and watch SoapNet all day, get ready and on time to a place, drive 5 miles over the speed limit, make a random run to Starbucks or walk into Target and bypass the baby section completely.  But, I wouldn't change a minute..not even a second of this new life.   I've had a recent conversation with my husband that even though I am not currently GOING to work, I still work harder than I ever have when I am at home.  I don't think he realizes how hard I work - come to think of it, many people who haven't been a stay at home mom for a minute of their life don't get how hard it really is to do.  But I get so sad thinking that I only have 4 more weeks of this lifestyle with my little man.  I've really enjoyed getting to see his every change.  His gummy smile can make the worst of days disappear.  Even when he refuses to nap and screams bloody murder, I really am dreading going back to work and letting someone else experience my son's growing up.  The perks of being a teacher are the vacations and I guess summer is just around the corner, so I'll get to stay home with him for almost 3 months.  But if one day we win the Powerball, I think I could get used to this stay at home mommy job. :)

The moments I love - naps on Mommy. :)


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I'm a full-time mommy, wife and teacher. Coupons and shopping are my weaknesses -- and the two go in hand pretty well. Welcome to my life and happy savings to you!