Sunday, June 5, 2011

Eight is Great! Let's Celebrate!

My monkey man is 8 months old today!  He is at such a fun age these days.  Despite the fact that I can't take my eyes off of him for one second without him getting into trouble, he's super fun and interactive.  Lately, his new thing is getting on to all fours and moving his legs, but then he falls right to stomach and "army crawls" to whatever it is he wants. And if he's not doing that, he is rolling to get there.  Cohen loves to push himself up to a sitting position from his stomach and look around.  He also has started to find things and thinks about pulling himself up.  He'll try, but he usually gives up and starts rolling somewhere else.  Our new skill we are working on is baby sign language.  He's probably a little too young, but in all the things I've read, they said you can start trying at 6 months, so why not?  I feel so blessed to have this little man in my life.  He is such a creative combination of both Kurtis and myself, and it is fun to see how he grows each day.  But what is even better is I have the next 2 months to spend with him and watch him learn these new things together!

Mama and Cohen - 3 days old

Little Co-Man - 3 Months Old

Handsome Little Dude - 6 Months Old

Sooo big!  8 Month Old

It is crazy how fast time flies but even crazier how much things change over time.  So far, being a mommy is an amazing job and I love every second of it! (Well...most of those seconds.  But probably not the ones when he wouldn't sleep.) 


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I'm a full-time mommy, wife and teacher. Coupons and shopping are my weaknesses -- and the two go in hand pretty well. Welcome to my life and happy savings to you!