Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Don't Blink

 If you know me or my husband, then you know that we are die hard Kenny Chesney fans (and not just because he can make a cowboy hat look good!)  But I recently heard his song, "Don't Blink" and couldn't help but think how much this song holds true to my own life.  A week from today,  my little monkey is turning 1 -  seriously, where did the time go?  Last year at this time my ankles were swollen, my rings barely fit my fingernail and I was eating the labor pizza from Bazbeaux's for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I was also enjoying my last childless birthday and one of my last mornings of uninterrupted sleep.  I remember anticipating what labor would be like (vomit, for me, literally) and wondering if I would know when I was in labor - and trust me, after 30 minutes of contractions, I did.   But I never realized how much our lives would change when we brought Cohen into it. Before, I knew love, but I didn't think I could love something so much.  And from the second I held my son, I was overwhelmed with this amazing love and affection for him immediately.  I was in absolute awe of this little being we had created.  Every morning I thank God for this amazing blessing - even when he wakes up in the middle of night crying, or throws his toys out of his crib trying to get us to come back and play or screams because he isn't getting his way.  I love my son unconditionally and with every ounce of my body.  It is so hard for me to imagine a life without him now.  So I know I'll be an emotional wreck as the big first birthday arrives, but seriously, "don't blink" because his second birthday will be here before we know it!

                                                                   How can he be so cute??


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I'm a full-time mommy, wife and teacher. Coupons and shopping are my weaknesses -- and the two go in hand pretty well. Welcome to my life and happy savings to you!