Saturday, April 9, 2011

Coupon Obsessed? Not Quite.

I finally watched the first episode of Extreme Couponing last night - and was truly amazed at how much people could save.  Like thousands of dollars, really.  However, I still am unclear why you need 250 boxes of pasta and 150 candy bars?  To me, these people's closets full of 750 toothpaste boxes, 350 containers of salad dressing and 97 jars of pasta sauce seem on the side of OCD and actually a bit like hoarding.  It would be different if you were the Duggars and had 21 mouths to feed everyday.  But these people weren't and spending 70+ hours a week on couponing is nuts to me!  Don't get me wrong - I am a huge fan of coupons and getting a great deal.  I clip every week, buy what's on sale and see how much I can save ($26.80 worth of coupons is my best so far) but I'm not going to buy things I don't need.  Will I really even get to that 56th jar of mayonnaise before it expires?  Probably not, so why buy it?  The only person's coupon obsession that I somewhat understood was the last guy who would buy extra food for his church's pantry.  Great idea - but he still had a closet stocked with men and women's deodorant, a deep freezer with food and over $50,000 worth of product that he paid only $1,000 for in all.  To me, this obsession almost seems comparable to gambling - spend that $1,000 on a great vacation or a new living room furniture set.  But really people?  I think a new hobby may be a better idea.

"Mom, I'll hold your coupons for you!"


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I'm a full-time mommy, wife and teacher. Coupons and shopping are my weaknesses -- and the two go in hand pretty well. Welcome to my life and happy savings to you!