Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tick Toc....Ew!!!

  My first encounter with a tick came about two years go.  I was getting ready to go run with Brady on a beautiful spring day.  As I pulled back my hair, I noticed something at the edge of my scalp.  Creeped out, I grabbed it and pulled it out, realizing that it was sort of attached to my head.  After calling my mom, husband, the vet, the doctor and the local nature center, it was confirmed:  Yes.  It is a tick.  No.  You most likely do not have Lyme disease.  So for the next several days I spent searching every inch of my body to ensure no more of these nasty little things had invaded my personal space again. 
  Last year, summer came and went and no traumatic experiences with these disgusting bugs.  However, this summer is a totally different story.  Apparently they are at their worst - the worst in several years.  My first sighting was on a pillow that had been used as a table barrier for Cohen in case he fell.  Seriously, get away from my baby.  But oh no, that is not it.  The second sighting was a few weeks ago.  As I was sitting on the couch, I felt something trying to latch to my toe -- another flipping tick.  But don't worry, that is not all.  The THIRD incident happened to my poor dog.  Cohen, Brady and I love to look out the window in the morning and of course Cohen is all over him, pulling his tail and paws.  But I noticed a brown bump on his leg - and of course, a tick.  (Kurtis and I are now pro at getting ticks off dogs FYI.)  Luckily, the fourth tick was dead.  BUT, the FIFTH and I say FIFTH tick decided to try to become friends last night.  Out of nowhere, I woke up just to turn down the baby monitor.  And I felt this tickling behind my ear.  I thought the fan was blowing my hair and tickling me, when I realized my hair was in a ponytail.  The tick was crawling behind my ear!!!!  I basically spent all night itching and dreaming about these nasty things.  Seriously, if I see one more I'm going to lose it.  Hopefully the fifth one's the charm....


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I'm a full-time mommy, wife and teacher. Coupons and shopping are my weaknesses -- and the two go in hand pretty well. Welcome to my life and happy savings to you!